Monday, August 1, 2011

Journal Cover

I've been super excited to do the cover of my journal because it gave me a chance to use the technique I developed to make metallic looking pins (I was selling them at the Fair) to a new venue. I created a low relief out of skulpy, painted it black and wiped it down with a silver tarnish. Turned out great, it actually says the title of the journal on it too (it surrounds the face).


Journal Entry "X3"

A possible T-shirt design, not sure if everyone will get the math joke though.

Journal Entry "Parcian"

I used to draw these robotic dragons in Middle School I called "Parcians". I even colored them in MS Paint, wish I had an example. I tried drawing an updated version and I think it turned out rather well.

Journal Entry "Giant Mask"

Another mask for my Professor

Journal Entry "Cleopatra"

I noticed that some of the ink bleed from the markers I was using looked pretty cool so I tried to intentionally utilize it.

Here is the original marker work-

And finally the marker bleed with some pen work-

Journal Entry "Sludge Dragon"

It's interesting how many cultures have dragon-like creatures. I was drawing this while selling shirts and jewelry at the Denver County Fair and a little kid suggested he be a sludge dragon.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Journal Entry "Reflection"

After reflecting upon my approaches to my journal entries I came up with this. I began this journal by depicting my research directly thus illustrated in the first thought bubble (ex. "Title Page", "Rapa Nui", "Prehistory Beauty"). An escalator goes to the next because at this time I was easily creating entries. Second I got many freelance jobs so I combined entries with them (ex. "Mystical Tutor", "Tiki Turmoil"). The next thought bubble depicts how in this section I examined the present and tried practices of the past through collecting herbs for dyeing and collecting color studies ("Found Color Studies", "Naturally Dyed Cloth"). The fourth bubble shows how I started interpreting ancient beliefs for my final entries (ex. "African Zombie", "Atlantis Lives", "Medusa" etc). Finally my celebration after completing the journal.

Journal Entry "The Lost Colony"

One of history's mysteries to be sure.

Journal Entry "Fox Mask"

The fox is often the trickster. A mask for one of my professors.

Journal Entry "Ratatoskr"

The Norse squirrel god...

Journal Entry "Norse Moomin Papa Troll"

In many old Norse mythologies there were friendly trolls.

Journal Entry "Medusa"

A quick gouache painting of Medusa.

Journal Entry "African Zombie"

I was researching the origins of the term "zombie" and found the ancient definition of the term to be quite interesting. In Africa a dead corpse can be reanimated by a Bokor (a sorcerer). I thought about the implications of such a power on the corpse of a mixture of creatures, in this case a hyena.

Monday, July 11, 2011

"Atlantis Lives" Journal Entry

Atlantis obviously survived the flood by making their city on the back of a giant crab...

"Tiki Turmoil Tiles" Journal Entry

Concept sketches for a board game Mary and I are designing based on the pacific pantheon.

"Hanging Gardens" Journal Entry

The legendary Hanging Gardens.

"Zeus" Journal Entry

A more elemental interpretation of Zeus.

"Sword in the Stone" Journal Entry

Based on the ancient legend of King Arthur and the sword in the stone. Drawn with Copic Markers

"Naturally Dyed Cloth" Journal Entry

In response to Chad's class challenge I dyed cloth using natural navajo coloring techniques. The process included boiling the cloth with brown onion skins and wild flowers from Colorado. They mostly turned out to be a tan color with subtle variation but was still a fun process.

The Chart I used and the ingredients

Cloth cooking with Brown Onion skins

The finished Cloth

Finished piece based on Colorado landscape

Monday, June 13, 2011

"Mystical Tutor" Journal Entry

This week  I decided to combine a piece about Eden and the Snake with a freelance job I got to make custom Magic the Gathering trading cards art. This piece is about how knowledge is what the snake gave us and how the Gnostics (pretty much the original Christians) were seekers of knowledge not condemners of it. They created hundreds of gospels and only four were chosen to make the Bible, seems like what we have come to believe today is the massively abridged version of the religion (like the Avatar the Last Airbender movie). Nor the Snake or knowledge is evil, ignorance is.

"Found Color Studies" Journal Entry

A bunch of color studies for my journal research. Found them all over the place including leaves, cans, packaging and magazines.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"Spaghetti Western" T-shirt Design

A new T-shirt design for the Woot Derby, this week's theme was Anthro Food which was particularly hard to think up ideas for. Cheston Otterness and I came up with this...

Vote if You Can!

"Prehistory Beauty" Journal Entry

It's somewhat frightening how much perceptions can change.

Monday, June 6, 2011

"Rapa Nui/Easter Island" Journal Entry

Another gathering page for my journal. Was looking through pictures of Easter Island statues and needed to draw some.

"Collage" Journal Entry

I was collecting images for the Journaling class and trying to make a collage. I got frustrated with the composition and took paint to it. This is the odd result...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

"Gnome Illusionist" Concept Illustration For Sale on Etsy

An original concept design illustration is up for sale at my Etsy shop. It was done for a game but I pulled myself and my work out of it after they let slip that they didn't intend to pay me. Kind of irritating really, along with the guy who got me the job who turned out to be a complete mooch. Beh.

Pretty proud of the illustration though,  you can buy the original here-
Ross Moreno Unique Cartoon Illustration Artwork