Thursday, December 13, 2012

New Robot Game in UDK

So it started out as the final for my videogame class at RMCAD and is now turning into something fantastic. Almost all the models/materials are stock that come with UDK so don't give me credit for those but the arranging and game design I did.

Since the default character is a robot I decided to make it about a liberated Unum bot.

The game takes place on an Exile colony that was annexed by Unum. An Exile tree is the last survivor and the one that separated your character from Unum. It gives you the tasks to complete in the game.

The area is a mix of industry and ancient architectural elements left over from the Exiles.

The villain is the evil main computer, Vincent.

You fight him at various points in the game. This is the part where you have to find batteries to power an elevator while under constant fire from 9 turrets. It's really hard...

Your choice of escape routes become fewer as the battle continues as the bridges are destructible...

The main enemies in the game are turrets and I created abilities and pickups like Ripple Bubble shields, Goo Decoys and Healing Lamps.

Still working on it and loving it!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Anoran Barge

An organic Anoran barge. The Anoran build their ships directly into the brain of these space dwelling creatures.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Unexplored Frontiers

I was digging up old drawings to document them and I found this comic. It was originally supposed to be gift for a girl I had feelings for at the time. It ended badly which is why the final panel was never finished. Really a very silly gesture on my part, not an experience I'm proud of, but it's a funny comic so I decided to share it. I thought about finishing it now but it didn't feel right since the emotions are no longer there to fuel the drawing.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ascension Murder Mystery Colony

So this is some concept work for the setting of the murder mystery; a colony on the edge of The Rift.

Drawings/Concepts- Ross Moreno Ascension Font- Jesse Tarlton

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ascension Space Murder Mystery Game Concepts

So I've started coming up with ideas for my senior project game and here are concept images for some of the characters. The game will be a murder mystery on a space station in the Ascension universe.

Here's Mlurp the Janitor. He's a witness to the crime but has been threatened into silence.

A possible romantic interest. Oda's name is a reference to DS9's Odo.

One of the citys gang leaders

The information dealer...

Pug Wants Hug

This one is inspired by my neighbor's pug, he vacantly stares at you until you pet him.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Various Profile Pics

I've been doing a lot of profile pictures for people lately

Zagazoo Profile Pic-

Reaby Profile Pic-

ECODH Profile Pic-

Zagazoo Full Character Sketch-

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Graank The Relic Merchant

So I realized I had not posted any pictures of the 3D character Graank I made in Maya last spring. Here's some pictures.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Detailed Texture Bump Mapping

Trying to get better at texturing and bump mapping and thanks to my Dad getting me a new graphics card I can! Woot! I even added bird poo to it, hehe. Here are some pics of what I'm doing at the moment. The designs on this grave stone are actually a written language I created for the Exiles in Ascension. They say "Be at Peace," "Ascend" and "Exile."

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ascension: Female Shade Ink Wash

One of the Shade, a race from my game Ascension. Done by referencing a sketch from life drawing.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Game Update Ver 3

So I discovered how to use bump maps in Unity making the level look way more awesome... and I made the maze way harder...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Game Level Updated

I took the models I made into Mudbox and made custom textures for them, it made the level look a lot better. I put in some whispering that Mary Longshore, Eric Mcconnel and I recorded and it sounds spooky and awesome. The idea is you're a crashed space man and you're exploring the planet you are stranded on whose inhabitants are very mysterious...

These screenshots are from the beginning where you emerge from the forest and find the ruins, it is at this point you begin to hear whispers...

The symbols on the cubes are actually a written language I designed for the Exiles in Ascension. This one says "Exile"

You wander past huge faces whose eyes glow.

The lamp garden, I made all the lamps emit a low hum when you get near them.

Across the bridge over the endless misty chasm to face the labyrinth...

The walls laugh at you as you try and navigate the maze (they were a lot of fun to record)

There are no more stairs to help climb the mountain... I took them out, mwhehehe

As you enter the final area, the peak of the mountain the whispers become more and more aggressive and agry as you approach the throne of light...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

First Game Level Made in Unity

I just got into using Unity and I'm having a lot of fun! Check out some shots from my level for class...

The starting Area

The Labyrinth

Scaling the Mountain

Final Area